For example, you could store the maximum depth information with a sport entry for scuba diving. Or you could store the amount of time spent in a training zone for a running entry. Fields are added to a sport entry by linking keyword entries to the sport entry.
Entries are linked by setting the keyword entry's date and time to match the sport entry's date and time. The sport entry form has a keyword menu for doing this automatically.
When you change the date or time of a SPORT entry linked to keyword entries, the keyword entries' date and time are updated to maintain the link.
Sport entries, which have keywords linked to them, display a `K' in the `other' column of the sport entry log.
To unlink a keyword entry from a sport entry, change the KEYWORD entry's date or time.
In addition to making entries to the Digital Athletic Log via the web, you may make entries to your training log by email. This is useful if you can't get to a web browser, but you have access to email. Most cell phones can be used to send an email via simple text message.
To make an entry via email you must send a formatted email to The Digital Athletic Log ingests email to the training log at 05 and 35 minutes past each hour.
The following line in the body of an email sent to the Digital Athletic Log creates a log entry:
This adds a `running' entry to joeuser's training log, with a date of 2004-08-02, a time of 16:00:00, a duration of 21 minutes, and a distance of 5 (using default units for `running').
Notice the fields are separated by the `' (shift `
') character or any form of white space (space, tab, newline, etc.). Each field takes the form
. The entry MUST contain the username field (`u') and either a sport (`s') or keyword (`k') fields, or it will not be ingested to the log.
The example below shows the same entry written with spaces and newlines separating the fields:
u=joeuser s=running d=8/2/04 t=4pm min=21 dst=5
When an entry is made by email, the Digital Athletic Log sends a receipt summarizing the entry to the email address which made the entry and to the email address on file for the username. The receipt sometimes gets tagged as spam by email software.
If the entry's date (`d') or time (`t') fields are not specified, the Digital Athletic Log will set them to the time the email was ingested.
Sports and keywords may be specified either by their name or their ID number. If the sport's or keyword's name has spaces in it, do not type the spaces. For example, if the sport name is ``Weight Training'', then the sport field in the email would be ``s=weighttraining''. The sport and keyword names are case insensitive. With the exception of spaces, the names must be entered verbatim. If `2' is the ID number for the `running', the first example can be written:
u=joeuser s=2 d=8/2/04 t=4pm min=21 dst=5
Making a keyword entry by email is very similar to making sport entry. The sport field (`s') is replaced by the keyword field (`k'). The keyword value is entered using the keyword value field ('kv').
u=joeuser k=pushups d=8/2/04 t=4pm kv=60
The above example would make an keyword entry of 60 pushups in joeuser's training log for 2004-08-02 at 16:00.
Below is a list of the fields recognized by the Digital Athletic Log.
Fields for both sport and keyword entries: u...username (required) of entry t...time of entry Fields for keyword entries: k...keyword or keyword id number kv...keyword value Fields for sports entries: name or id number dst...distance in sport's default units hr...duration hours min...duration minutes sec...duration seconds ahr...average heart rate mhr...maximum heart rate r...route id number tp...temperature (default is your default temp units) tu...temperature units (overrides your default) a...altitude (in users default altitude units) au...altitude units (overrides user's defaults) e...change in elevation (in users default altitude units) eu...change in elevation units (overrides user's defaults) pe...perceived effort (valid range 6 to 20)
Field order does not matter. No field should be duplicated.
The Digital Athletic Log will send you an email if it can not ingest the entries to the log. Possible causes include:
You may override the sport's default units with the `du' field. Valid distance abbreviations are m, mi, km, and yd. The following example specifies a 5 km run.
You may create a linked sport and keyword entry (both having the same date and time) by specifying both in a single entry. Combining the previous examples to create a `running' sport entry which is linked to a 'pushup' keyword entry, send the following:
The remarks fields is unique in that it can span multiple lines. To span multiple lines it MUST end with a `'. If the remarks fields does not end with a `
', only the first line is read as the remarks. Consider the following example where the remarks will span multiple lines:
u=joeuser s=running d=8/2/04 t=4pm min=21 dst=5 rmks= This set of remarks spans multiple lines. It ends with a vertical bar|
Then consider this example, where only the first line of the 'rmks' field will be saved as the remarks:
u=joeuser s=running d=8/2/04 t=4pm min=21 dst=5 rmks= Only this line will be read these lines will not be read because there is NO vertical bar at the end of the remarks field.
You can enter multiple entries per email by separating them with a `-ne-' (next entry) tag. The following example makes two entries from a single email:
u=joeuser|s=2|d=8/2/04|t=4pm|min=21|dst=5|du=km| -ne- u=joeuser|s=2|d=8/3/04|t=4:15pm|min=21|sec=34|dst=4.8|du=km|
Both entries must have a username field (`u') and either a sport (`s') or keyword (`k') field.
Text from the characters `//' to the end of the line is ignored, as is any text between `/*' and `*/'. Lines with no fields in them are also ignored. In the text below, the middle line of the 'rmks' field will not be included in the entry's remarks.
u=joeuser|s=running|d=8/2/04|t=4pm min=21|dst=5 rmks= most of this remark will be read // but not this line because it it a comment however, this line will be read.|
A note, with the email address which made the entry, is added to the remarks field of entries made by email. Normal viewing of the log hides this note. Entries made by email have an `@' symbol in the `other' column of the log.
I have done a lot of testing on the email entry, but I would encourage you to cc: yourself on emails, until you convince yourself that the entries are being made correctly. If you have problems with the email entry feature, please email me (the site administrator) with the email address from which you sent the entry, the date and time you sent the message, the text of the message (if you have a copy), and a description of the problem.
The ``Email Input Admin'' page (the ``entry by email'' link) displays a list of your sport, keyword, and route ID numbers. It also displays a list of all the field tags which can specify data in an email entry. These lists may be sent to an email address for reference.
The field tag list can be sent in a long format, abbreviated, or really abbreviated format:
Field Tag List in Long Format:
Fields for both sport and keyword entries: u...username (required) of entry t...time of entry Fields for keyword entries: k...keyword or keyword id number kv...keyword value Fields for sports entries: name or id number dst...distance in sport's default units hr...duration hours min...duration minutes sec...duration seconds ahr...average heart rate mhr...maximum heart rate r...route id number tp...temperature (default is your default temp units) tu...temperature units (overrides your default) a...altitude (in users default altitude units) au...altitude units (overrides user's defaults) e...change in elevation (in users default altitude units) eu...change in elevation units (overrides user's defaults) pe...perceived effort (valid range 6 to 20)
Field Tag List in Abbreviated Format
Both: u=user,d=date,t=time Kwd: k=keyword,kv=kw value Sports: s=sport,dst=distance,hr=hours,min=minutes,sec=seconds,ahr=ave HR,mhr=max HR,r=route,tp=temp,tu=temp units,a=alt,au=alt units,e=delta elev,eu=delta elev units,pe=effort
Field Tag List in Really Abbreviated Format
u,d,t k,kv s,dst,hr,min,sec,ahr,mhr,r,tp,tu,a,au,e,eu,pe
To generate a plot from data in the remarks, enter the `-plot-' tag three time. This separates the remarks into 4 sections (Remarks -plot- Header Info -plot- Data -plot- More Remarks).
Both the remark section and the header section may be empty.
The header section contains the plot title, x axis label, and y axis label all separated by a `;'. The data points are stored as ordered pairs, with each pair separated by a `;' in the data section. For example:
Your remarks here. Just enter text as your normally would -plot- title for the plot; x axis label; y axis label; -plot- x1,y1; x2,y2; x3,y2; etc... -plot-
For the remarks to be plotted it MUST have the following:
Entries with plot data in their remarks have a `P' displayed in the `other' column of the view log. In normal log viewing the plot data is hidden. Editing the entry will display all the data in the remarks section.
This example uses data from a conconi test. If you are not sure what a Conconi test is, see Reference [2] for more information.
I created a keyword called `Conconi Test'. I stored the data in the remarks section of the keyword entry.
-plot- Conconi Test; Speed, Running [mph]; Heart Rate [BPM]; -plot- 6,123;6,148;6.5,152;7,160;7.5,166; 8,172;8.5,176;9,180;9.5,184;10,187; 10.5,190; -plot-
If you enter data to be plotted in the remarks section and no plot appears after you ``save changes'' to the entry, check the following:
If the city and state you entered does not match a location on the Weather Underground site, follow the link to display the forecast for your zip code (available in the US only). When the forecast is displayed it will provide you with the correct city and state name.
If you follow the `Click here for your Weather Sticker' link at the bottom of the weather underground page, the URL in your browser will be:{state}/{city}.html
Where {state} and {city} are the values you should enter for your city and state.
To display weather for locations outside the United States you need to do the following:
You can get the five digit weather station ID number by emailing me with your location, or by locating your city's forecast on the weather underground. The URL in your browser will give you the station id number. For example, the URL for Perth Western Australia's forecast is: The weather station ID number is the 5 digits just before the ``.html'', or 94610 in this case.
To indicate that a particular piece of equipment has been used during a sport entry, link the equipment's keyword to the sport entry. You link a keyword to a sport entry by selecting the keyword from the ``keyword to add'' menu on the ``sport entry'' page. See Section 12.1 for more information on linking keyword and sport entries.
The main page will display a summary of the total distance and time the equipment definition has been logged. The distances and times are based on the distances and times entered for the sport entry. The keyword
Edit your profile to set the level sharing for your log. There are four levels of log sharing.
To view other users shared logs, follow the the ``View Shared Logs'' link.
If you have a level of sharing enabled, you and others can get an RSS feed with your last 7 days of sport entries. This allows your friends or coaches to follow your training in their favorite news/rss reader. Additionally, many blogs will accept RSS feeds. So using an RSS feed is a good way of incorporating your recent workouts into your blog.
To get the RSS feed for your site, first enable some level of sharing in your profile (as described above). Then go to the view shared logs page. When you display a user's recent entries with this page, there is a link to the RSS feed. Follow the RSS link. The URL for RSS is in your browser's address bar. Copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader or blog.
If at anytime you would like to stop making your RSS feed available, disable sharing in your profile and no further RSS feeds will transmitted.