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11 Importing Data

You can use a comma separated value file (.csv) to upload goals and entries to the Digital Athletic Log. Most spreadsheets (Excel, OpenOffice, etc.) can save data as a .csv file. If you have been keeping your training log in an spreadsheet you can upload all of your past data to your account on the Digital Athletic Log. This feature is also useful for uploading a large number of goals at once (the whole season for example).

When a file is uploaded it is validated and displayed. Rows with no validation errors may be added to the Digital Athletic Log.

There are three upload types: goals, sport entries, and keyword entries. The Digital Athletic Log determines the type of data being uploaded automatically based on the column headers in the .csv file. Each upload type requires a minimum set of columns. Files without the minimum number of columns are not processed. Processing of the csv file is case INsensitive.

There are template .csv files for each upload type available from the bulk upload page.

Figure 31: A sample csv file in OpenOffice. Lines above the header line are ignored.
Image csv_spreadsheet

Figure 32: The file from Figure 31 being validated and displayed, before rows are added to the log. Rows and columns which have errors are highlighted and may not be added. To make fixing errors easier, the row numbers in the display correspond the the row numbers in the spreadsheet.
Image csv_valid

Upload Type Minimum Columns
Sport Entries `date', `sport'
Keyword Entries `date', `keyword'
Goals `startdate', `enddate', `type', `value' and ( `sport' or `keyword')

Additionally, each upload type will only recognize specific column headers. Column headers which do not match the allowed columns for the upload type are ignored (see Figure 32).

Upload Type Allowed Columns
Sport Entries `date', `time', `remarks', `sport', `dist', `distunits', `hrs', `min', `sec', `avehr', `maxhr', `route', `temp', `tempunits', `alt', `altunits', `deltaelev', `elevunits', `effort', `race', `machine', and `paceunits
Keyword Entries `date', `time', `keyword', `value', and `remarks'
Goals `startdate', `enddate', `type', `value', `sport', and `keyword')

Sports and keywords may be specified by either their id number or full name (case INsensitive). The bulk upload page lists the full names and id numbers of your sports, keywords, and routes.

If distance or pace units are not specified, then the sport's default units are used.

Other fields my only take certain values. These are listed below.

Column Allowed Values
distunits `mi', `km', `yd', `m' or blank
paceunits `mpm', `mpk', `mph', `kph', `mp100y', `mp100m', or blank
tempunits `C', `F', or blank
race `yes', `y', `x', `1', `no', `n', `0' or blank
machine `yes', `y', `x', `1', `no', `n', `0' or blank
type `sdst', `stime', `ksum', or `sksum'

See Section 8 for more information about goals. But a quick summary

A `sport distance' goal. Where the `value' column is the distance measured in the sport's default units.
A `sport time' goal. Where the `value' column is the total goal time entered in minutes. In the bulk upload mode you may not use the hh:mm notation that is available in the web interface.
A `keyword sum' goal.
A `sport keyword sum' goal.

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Roger Cortesi 2006-11-12