The Split Time Wristband Generator calculates and displays elapse times at various mile or km marks for a given distance and goal time. The list is formatted to be worn as a wristband during the run or ride. I use it for my marathons and triathlons.
The wristband and a stop-watch allow you to determine at a glance if your are ahead or behind your goal pace.
For longer events (particularly when biking) you may not want an elapse time listed for every mile or km. The page can be set to only display elapse time information for every 2nd, 3rd, 5th or 10th mile/km. The elapse time at the halfway point is always printed.
The calculated pace may be set to: minutes per mile, minutes per km, mph, or kph. These units are independent from the goal distance's units (i.e. you can enter a distance of 180 km, and have pace calculated in mph).
I put a layer of clear tape over the printed part of the wristband to keep the type from bleeding when it gets wet.