Update on 26 SEP 05: Opera 8.5 on OS X does a poor job of rendering the login page. It does't seem to have problems rendering the rest of the site.
Internet Explorer 5 (Mac) and Netscape 4 do a poor job. If you must use these much older browsers (IE5 or Netscape 4) to browse the Vehicle Maintenance Log, I recommend you turn off stylesheets (in the advanced section of the preferences). The display will lack color and formatting, but it will be useable (I have tested this).
Printing your data from the Vehicle Maintenance Log's `Export' page works properly on most modern browsers. Firefox, Opera, Internet Explorer, and Safari have all been tested successfully. Older versions of Safari may crash when the report is printed. Upgrading to version 1.3 or later fixes this.
The Vehicle Maintenance Log has also been tested successfully with several text browsers, including: lynx, links, elinks, and w3m.
I'm looking for data on how well the Vehicle Maintenance Log performs on handheld browsers. I have tested it using Opera's Small Screen Rendering (SSR) technology.
Please contact me if the Vehicle Maintenance Log is not displaying properly in your browser. My goal is to make the Vehicle Maintenance Log as accessible as possible.